I know its out of the topic but yah , starts with friday morning . Went school as usual :) Cant wait till the last piriod then can go band :) then go ISKL . So semangat now.but , now for all i know i hate nilam time . i hate PN G. such a pain in the ASS. and those library prefects are USELESS ! Take such a long time juz to record down 2 books ? and made me late for band ! Shit la . Thank God Kamini is understanding , so i went continue the marching. all we march was standing in blocks and turn , turn and turn. Cheryl , dont feel dissapointed la .okay then have to quickly set up , warm up and all la .but i was so happy , thx to cheryl , she said my tone nice , it made me smile for the whole time . wahhh , lagi semangat now . time pass very quickly, 4 o clock already , time to go . while walking at the field , cheryl mistaken a girl as her sister , LOL . She's not wearing her specs thats why . guess what she said , ei fats , waited very long ah ? ahhahaha. that woman must be thinking , that girl gila ah ? == okay time to walk fast , Elysia , Laura , Prev , Cheryl and I went in Her dad's car . soo exited , too exited , cant wait . after bathing everything , Cheryl's dad bought us KFC , and we were experimenting pork? LOL. in hong kong the sell KFP . Kentucky Fried Pig ? hahaha . soon we arrive the LRT station . have to wait for 15/16 stop till we reach Jelatik . but i always call it Jemalik . wat la . When we reach , we cant stop any taxi , they din wanna fetch us so , we walk . the worst thing was we walked to an end and asked this lady , she tell us is at the other corner , then we got lost , Elysia said she saw a police ! ahaahhaa . crazy, then we saw a Taxi :) weeeee , we took the taxi , u know wat happened ? that lady told us the wrong direction lah!!! Ay last we finally reach that school safetyly :) but no more play d , only left the dance nvm lo , still go watch . ah yoh , should not have buy tickets ! they din check .:(. nvm la it was worth it . so nice lah that dance . super like it ! but i dont know why cheryl and laura say brandon is ugly, i find him so cute la . eleeh u wanna know wat , we stood beside kamini's boyfriend :) so sad kamini missed the chance!!! bluek bluek . we wanted to buy the DVD and we tought it was 15 cheryl took the money and went . so malu it cost 50la ish . sooo maluuu. then we went to the canteen and sit , suddenly we saw = guess who , PATTAYA :) fuyoh fuyoh , but after a blink of eye sudah pergi la , i know how u feel cheryl , we should have went for the party :) after everything , went back to cheryl's place , ate roti CHEESE wee . then we ciao . and the worst thing was , cheryls is having my shoes, bottle , and skettles . aiyoh , she actually wore in down but forggoten to give me back . Sad case.